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SIMPLEX Egg breakers / separators

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    X Pelbo

Simplex egg breakers / separators

The Pelbo Simplex breakers are designed for small to medium sized egg processing plants. They are available in two versions both capable of breaking eggs and separating yolk and albumen:

  • The Simplex 3S75 can process from 2,000 up to 27,000 eggs/hour
  • The Simplex 5S125 can process from 18,000 up to 45,000 eggs/hour.

The Simplex 3S75 breaker is developed in such a way that an upgrade to the Simplex 5S125 is a possibility. Such an upgrade can be done directly at the plant.

The Simplex breakers are based on the same technology as the high capacity Pelbo breakers, resulting in a high level of reliability and performance.

Simplex breakers/separators can be equipped with the Albuchecker egg white scanning system for an automatic albumen inspection, which results in obtaining premium quality egg white with a reduction of labor.

SMS (Second-hand Moba Systems) B.V.

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product specifications


Technical Data SIMPLEX3S75 SIMPLEX5S125
Function Egg breaking
Capacity (eggs/hour) 27,000 45,000
Capacity (cases/hour) 75 125
Footprint Depending on system
Loading Manual ZB100
Upgrade 5S125 No
Separation (cups) Yes
Albuchecker (yolk scanner) Optional



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