
Choose the machine that suits your operation



This 5 or 6-row egg loader of the Crono loaders family has a maximum capacity of 72,000 eggs/hour (200 cases/hour). 

With its innovative design, the Crono loaders offer the perfect answer to all breaking-market needs in egg loading.

To satisfy the industry demand, our R&D team has developed an egg loader with an innovative patented multilink handling system that offers:

  • Maximum performance with minimum downtime;
  • A characteristic high-quality stainless steel AISI 304 construction that delivers maximum hygiene and robustness;
  • Great versatility to adapt to any egg and any kind of tray due to unique automatic self-adjusting features;
  • Gentle egg and tray handling with reduced internal speed;
  • Easy and minimum maintenance;
  • Food Tech design and CIP for a fast and easy cleaning process using an automatic foaming system;
  • Ergonomic design.

Smallest footprint with great set-up flexibility

Thanks to its revolutionary multilink handling system, the Crono loader has the smallest footprint compared with other loaders offering the same capacity range. Both tray infeed and tray outfeed belts can be easily configured according to the plant and breaker-room layout.

Model Single Tray Destacker Loading capacity
Crono2 - + 72,000 eph / 200 cph

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