
Choose the machine that suits your operation

Automatic Filters

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    X Pelbo

Automatic Filters

Automatic filtering of egg liquid after breaking is a very important part of creating a product with a long shelf life. Especially for medium and large size egg processing plants, Pelbo offers a wide range of automatic filtration possibilities.

Depending on your requirements, Pelbo can offer skids with single, double or triple independent filters for your product. Also a wide range of filters inserts are available to create the exact solution you are looking for.

The filter performance is actively monitored during production, to be able to perform at its best for a long time. Finally, the automatic filters are self-cleanable and can be integrated into the CIP-system.

SMS (Second-hand Moba Systems) B.V.

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product specifications


Technical Data Automatic Filters
Function Egg fluids filtering
Capacity (eggs/hour) Not applicable
Footprint Depending on system layout




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