Diamond upgrades

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Crack Detection Update (only Diamond)


Crack Detection Update (only Diamond)

This update, exclusively for the Americas, adds crack detection to a Diamond 2100 grading system that currently do not have it. It includes all of the mechanical and electrical items needed to install a crack detection update onto a 2100 grader as well as digital crack lanes. This update fits in the space that is created by a 14” infeed extension.

If the customer does not have a 14” extension that can be removed, the entire infeed from the transfer back would have to move 14” back, or the transfer, basket conveyor, and packing lanes would all have to move 14”.

The benefits of adding a crack detection update include:

  • Improves the quality of the final pack since a human no longer needs to make the decision of whether an egg is cracked or not. 
  • The person in the candling booth will not only need to focus on bloods, dirts, and leakers.

SMS (Second-hand Moba Systems) B.V.

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