Diamond upgrades

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Dirt Detection Update (only Diamond)


Dirt Detection Update (only Diamond)

This dirt detection system, exclusively for the Americas, can be added to most Diamond 8200/8300, 8400 and Innova graders. The Dirt Detection system helps improve the quality of eggs in the final packs. These systems have reduced candling inspectors to one person, even at higher machine speeds. It can be ordered with the option to inspect white eggs only, brown eggs only, or combination white and brown egg inspection. The system can find dirt, egg yolk, feathers and holes in the eggs.

The benefits of this update include:

  • A better final pack.
  • When coupled with other inspection systems, human candlers can be eliminated.
  • System has high resolution cameras, so the ability to detect actual dirts versus other shell flaws is very accurate.
  • Running machines over 300 cases/hour is where human candlers have a hard time keeping up. If a customer purchases an automatic inspection system such as Dirt Detection, it is one less undergrade that they have to visually make a decision on, which will allow them to concentrate on the rest of the undergrades.

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