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Simplex whole egg breakers

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    X Pelbo

Simplex whole egg breakers

The Pelbo Simplex whole egg breakers are based on worldwide proven technology. The whole egg breakers are available in three versions; 72,000 eggs/hour, 144,000 eggs/hour and 180,000 eggs/hour. Simplex breakers use the unique and innovative self-synchronization system of the main movement of the egg breaker. The breaker offers better performance and higher yield.

The hygienic design simplifies all cleaning procedures because it can be integrated with the plant CIP system for an easy, fast and inexpensive CIP cleaning. Due to this, the maintenance of your equipment is minimized.

Practically all components are made of stainless steel and plastic materials are used ONLY in non-critical components. Routine maintenance operations are made easy because of the open access to all the parts of the machines. Simplex whole egg breakers are an answer when there is a need to improve egg breaking lines.

SMS (Second-hand Moba Systems) B.V.

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product specifications


Technical data Simplex6M200 Simplex12M400 Simplex15M500
Rows 6 12 15
Min. capacity eggs/hour 20,000 40,000 40,000
Max. capacity (eggs/hour) 72,000 144,000 180,000
Min. capacity (cases/hour) 56 112 112
Max. capacity (cases/hour) 200 400 500
Loading Crono2 Crono4 Crono6
Upgrade No No No
Separation Optional No No


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