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SL loader series


SL loader series

The Single tray loader is a robust and reliable loader that is available for 6-row wide grading systems. The new SL125 loader uses the well-known ‘common speed loading’ principle that contributes to Moba’s gentle egg handling concept. The loader gently places the content of a single tray onto the infeed with minimal impact on the eggs, with a capacity of up to 125 cases/hour.

This latest edition to Moba’s loader family is equipped with all features you may expect of a modern loader, with the highest standards of food safety in mind. The SL loader follows the high cleanability standard set by the industry, as it is designed using open constructions which can all be foamed and rinsed using low-pressure cleaning systems. Plus, the minimal legs supporting the loader make cleaning the area below and surrounding the loader easy and efficient. So not only the high standards of hygiene are met, but the SL loader makes your operation as efficient as possible by reducing cleaning time.

A huge benefit of the SL loader is the availability of multiple configurations. Based on your specific layout and requirements, we can create the ultimate fit into your packing station.

SMS (Second-hand Moba Systems) B.V.

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product specifications

Technical Data SL125
Nominal (eggs/hour) 36,000
Nominal (cases/hour) 100
Max. capacity (eggs/hour) 45,000
Max. capacity (cases/hour) 125
Grader compatibility  Forta and Omnia XF2-125
Configurations  Left, Right, Combi
Footprint indication 5,100 mm x 1,750 mm
Height 2,250 mm
Air supply Not applicable


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