Performance Pro

Converting data into value

iMoba is a product that is developed incrementally. This means that there are regular version updates with improvements and enhancements based on customer feedback. Note that these updates are fully automatic and come at no extra cost. As a consequence, the screenshots on this webpage may be outdated by the time you start your trial. However, these screenshots should be sufficient for getting a general idea.

Start screen

When you open the Performance Pro menu item you will see the following overview.

Performance Pro1

In this screen you see two sets of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): production KPIs and quality KPIs. Note that:

  • At the top left you can select the machine you want to analyse (if you have more than one connected machine). Here we have selected demo machine 999999.

  • At the top centre you can select the date that you want to analyse.

  • At the top right you can select the egg type you are interested in.

  • At the bottom left you can see the version of the app.

  • At the bottom right you see the date stamp of the last update to the cloud.

What also needs to be mentioned is the menu icon in the top left corner. The menu icon gives access to all other screens, such as the glossary (a list of terms used throughout the app).

Detailed production screen

The following image shows the detailed production screen that is displayed when clicking on the Throughput KPI.

Performance Pro2

In this view you see the throughput of the machine as it progresses from hour to hour. The daily average is shown in the title (here: 150,076 eggs per hour). The bars represent the different values for each hour. When hovering your mouse over a bar, the tooltip will tell you the exact value. Below the throughput chart we see the egg production chart with the number of eggs produced for each hour. The orange line represents the machine speed. The colours of the bars represent the different egg types. 

Note that:

  • The other detailed production KPIs can be reached by selecting the corresponding dots below the throughput chart or by just swiping the chart to the left or the right.
  • Below the date field you see four period buttons. These can be used to select data for a day, a week, a month or a year. Just click on the button you need.
  • Below the egg production chart you will see the title of the machine stop chart. You can reach the complete chart by scrolling down.
  • In the upper left corner of the KPI chart you will see a small button with a home icon. This button takes you back to the overview screen.

Detailed quality screen

When you are in the overview screen and click on one of the quality KPI tiles, you will see the detailed quality screen. The screen below is shown when clicking on the Table Eggs tile.

Performance Pro 2 2

The first chart here shows the progression of the table egg percentage throughout the day. The daily average is shown below the chart title (in this case 96.50%). Note that you can also view the trends over a period by selecting the week, month or year buttons. The second chart that is visible in this screenshot shows the variation of size distributions from hour to hour. If you scroll further down, you can see the size distributions per supply.

When scrolling even further down, you can see the Offgrades per supply chart:

Performance Pro 4

Note that in this demo machine the supplier names are anonymous. This view offers you a clear insight into the different quality of your supplies. The app also provides a chart Shell Quality as shown in the following screenshot.

Performance Pro 5

In this chart you can see the average weight plotted against the average crack and leaker percentage of each supply. The red reference line is drawn in such a way that 90% of the dots are below the line. Dots above the line might indicate a quality issue. By clicking on a dot, you will get a screen showing the details for that specific supply. For example, here is a screenshot of what you will see after pressing the dot with the tooltip. 

performance Pro 6

What you see from top to bottom is:

  • The weight class distribution of the supply from minute to minute when it went over the machine.
  • The Offgrade percentages from minute to minute.
  • A table with the destination products of the supply (so if there is an issue with this supply, you will immediately see which customer products are affected).

Much more can be told about the possibilities of the Performance Pro app, but that is beyond the scope of this web page. You better try it out yourself during the free three-month trial.

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