Customer satisfaction

"Strong relationships are built through trust"

customer care

Long-term relationships

We believe the key to success lies in our ability to support and establish mutually beneficial long-term relationships with our customers during the life cycle of the equipment. We genuinely care about our customers.

At Moba we strive for MAXIMUM AVAILABILITY, MINIMUM OPERATING COSTS and OPTIMUM OPERATING RESULTS for our customers' equipment and operation.

Click on the following links for our Customer Care Program:

- Remote Machine Monitoring & Process Optimisation

      - Remote DOS Engineer (RDE)

      - Remote Webapp

- Productivity Assessment, Consultation, Reporting and Advice

- Care packs, custom made packages

- 24/7 Helpdesk and field support

- Compliance

For more information, contact our Customer Care department:

+31 342 455 655 or .
